

Light shapes the spaces where we work, live, learn, and play. It impacts our rhythms and emotions, influences our productivity, and directs our attentions. Three decades strong in the field of architectural lighting design, SBLD Studio delivers innovative ways for light to interact with the built environment, where aesthetics, function, wellness, and sustainability are masterfully interconnected.

We have long-standing relationships with global lighting manufacturers, and constantly analyze trends to keep pace with industry innovations. We boast an in-depth command of the latest modeling software and platforms used by architects, engineers, and contractors, allowing for seamless collaboration on projects.


Founded by Susan Brady and now operating under new President Bruce Taylor, one of the leading experts in architectural lighting design, SBLD Studio is certified as a minority-owned business (MBE) enterprise with staff based in New York and New Jersey. When you work with SBLD Studio lighting designers, you harness the technical acumen and creativity of trained architects, engineers, interior designers, industrial designers, teachers, and mentors.


Our portfolio encompasses a broad variety of domestic and international projects for:


© Peter Aaron/ESTO; John Bartelstone; Hedrich Blessing; NC Hedrich Blessing; Ron Blunt; Andrew Bordwin; Fredrich Charles; Chuck Choi; David DeArmas; ESTO; EXUM Photo; ©Jeff Goldberg/ESTO; Tim Griffiths; Steve Hall © Hedrich Blessing; ©Timothy Hursley; © Eduard Hueber Archphoto; Elliott Kaufman Photography; Tom Kessler; Eric Laignel; Nic Lehoux; Bjorg Magnea; Jon Miller © Hedrich Blessing; Michael Moran; Rion Rizzo/Creative Sources Photography; Jasper Sanidad; Ron Solomon Photography; Douglas Spranger; Jim Tetro; Attila Uysal; ©Albert Vecerka/ESTO; Woodruff/Brown Architectural Photography; ©Jimmy Chan Photography; ©Gotham

Site Design
Florio Design

Site Build
Curious Minds Media